Supt. C. H. Hollis Sr.
823 Williams St SE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 247-2785(C) (505) 234-7976 (Hm. Off)
Saved in 1981 under the leadership of the late Bishop W. C. Griffin @ the Metropolitan Temple COGIC. Transferred membership to Highlands Assembly's of God and trained in Ministry under Pastor Eddie Lee, Pastor Highlands Assembly of God for three years before relocating to the newly established ministry of the late Pastor and Supt. Samuel Gilmore and the Faith Temple COGIC from 1986 to 1999 where I was blessed to be mentored for my current role as Pastor/Superintendent/Administrative Assistant by the late Supt. Samuel Gilmore. Upon the consolidation of ministries with Pilgrim COGIC 8/11/2013 – became Co-Pastor with Pastor Daniel Everage Sr. of Remnant of Faith Christian Center. (ROFCC)
Co-Pastor Remnant of Faith Christian Center Church (merge 8/11/2013-Present)
- Perform Pastoral ministry duties (wedding, funerals, baptisms, etc.)
- Teach and train Leadership classes
- Train Sunday School and bible study teachers
- Formulate and Teach Bible Studies
- Implemented and taught biblical training courses
- Perform various duties as needed for the continuance of the mission of the ministry
Pastor Sacred Word Church (1999-2013)
- Perform Pastoral ministry duties (wedding, funerals, baptisms, etc.)
- Teach and train Leadership classes
- Train Sunday School and bible study teachers
- Formulate and Teach Bible Studies
- Implemented and taught biblical training courses
- Founded LifeChangers, Inc as a Social Services Arm of the church
- Perform various duties as needed for the continuance of the mission of the ministry
Church of God in Christ New Mexico Jurisdiction (Bishop James L'Keith Jones)
- Jurisdictional Secretary (2004-2018)
- Administrative Assistant to Bishop (2013-2018)
- Superintendent (2014-Present)
- Dean New Mexico C. H. Mason Jurisdictional Institute (2009-2013)
- Various Duties at the request of the Jurisdictional Bishop
Church of God in Christ Texas SE Second Jurisdiction (Bishop Ladell Thomas)
- Transfer to Texas SE Second (approved April 2018)
- Superintendent (2018-Present)
- Assistant Jurisdictional Secretary - (2019-Present)
- Assistant Supt.- New Mexico District (Texas SE2) (2018-Present)
- Various Duties at the request of the Jurisdictional Bishop
Trainer & Facilitator International Sunday School Department, (2002-2013)
- Develop training material/Train District and Local Sunday School Superintendents, Teachers and Workers at Annual AIM Conferences and District Meetings.
Jurisdiction Sunday School President, COGIC (2002-2005 * 2010-2017)
- Oversee Sunday School work of all COGIC Churches in New Mexico
- Develop training material/Train District and local Sunday School Supt.
- Established a Annual Mega-Sunday School Conference for training purposes
Church of God in Christ Northern/Western District
- Assistant Supt of Northern/Higher Ground District of COGIC (2013-2018)
- Assistant Supt. of Western District of the COGIC (1996-2013)
- District Sunday School Supt. various Districts (1986-2002)
Assistant Pastor Faith Temple COGIC (1986-1999)
- Perform various duties/training as needed and determined by Pastor
- Overseer of day to day church activities.